Gosh..this is the another first time i created my blog..dunno how many blog i created and deleted ad..haiz.. today is freaking hot day..and ah..boring day..and.. sad day.. im sad because of the china sze chuan's victims..haiz..
GOD BLESS THEM....I asked my mom yesterday night..''if i got chance to go china there and help those ppl..will you let me go??'' And she said '' you go la..'' i asked her why she let? she said you like to go then go lo... i was like..erm..=.= In my heart..i really willing to go there and help them..i feel very sad when i read the articles bout this scene..and when i saw those pictures shows the people there are buried under those buildings..dying beside the roads which is some more nobody bother those dead bodies...and also those parents crying for their childrens death....that is really pain in my heart..and WE ARE SO SO LUCKY TO STAY HERE..APRECIATE OUR COUNTRY...
Haiz..i know i cant do anything to help them beside pray for them....
May God Bless Them.... i cant imagine the 7.8 earthquake happen in Malaysia and some more on schooling time..i dun wan to loss my teachers..my friends..my classmates...and
milaron... if it really happen here..i rather die together with you ,
milaron...Ok..talk bout other things la....this two weeks is my school exam weeks...darn..it is so unfortunately....haiz...one subject three paper...crazy wan..one day one subject..yhis give a conclusion..
Form four life cant study last minutes and form four is not a honeymoon year....Haiz.... to all my friends that having exam also..plz pray for yourself...XD