Argue with him today..
I do not know whose fault actually..
Im angry because he can layan his idiot hp rather than talk to me..
Somemore ask me do things..
I mean, i don't mind helping him clean the kitchen stuffs all and prepare for cook..
But seeing him sitting at the sofa playing with his hp..
Who not angry???
Well Im sorry i punch you bie!!
Yes, i did punch his chest..
And i guess it hurt so freaking much..
I'm really sorry..
I don't know how to express the feelings..
I just afraid losing you..
I love you so freaking much!!!!
I admit that im really sensitive..
I don't know why..
Maybe you are correct..
Im weird..
I'll change!!!
For our relationship "sake".
Because i really care so much about this relationship....
You know I L.O.V.E. YOU!!!
I love my Edbergh so much!!!!
Good Luck Michelle Edbergh!!!